Asbestos & Hazmat Surveys
Does your workplace comply with the current workplace health and safety regulations?
An asbestos survey must be conducted for all commercial buildings and workplaces built prior to 1990. An asbestos audit or asbestos survey must outline all the asbestos containing materials to ensure the workplace is managed properly and all workers are safe.
Asbestos and hazardous materials surveys are integral to the safety of all workplaces. Ensuring the safety of all the employees, the general public and maintenance contractors attending your workplace.
A hazardous materials survey outlines all hazards materials that may require removal prior to demolition. A demolition survey must be conducted in accordance with current Australian standards.
These Include:
Mould and indoor air quality
Synthetic Mineral Fibre
Lead Paint
Ozone Depleting Substances
Chemical storage
Call us on (07) 3191 4684 or make an enquiry to see how we can help you today.